Tuesday, November 1, 2011

The Man in the Middle

He’s the man in the middle,
the one in between,
neither built like a rock
nor a twig, but he’s lean.

You might overlook him;
he stands out of sight.
He will keep to the shadows,
but can handle the light.

He’s cautious and cunning.
He can battle the best.
He can soften the rock,
drive the twig to its nest.

His senses are stunning;
he’s always aware.
No one controls him.
He won’t fall for a dare.

Never question his honor.
Never step on his pride.
Befriend him, defend him,
and he’ll stand by your side.

He’ll fight for your honor
as well as his own,
but don’t try to crowd him;
he needs time alone.

He’s not chauvinistic
yet plies chivalric art.
He’s the man in the middle;
he’s the one in my heart.

c2008, revised 2011

Sure is a shame politicians are never the men in the middle. Countries would be a whole lot better off if they were....