Friday, March 30, 2012

Through the void of no beginning

This was written as I built a world called Anvaar, with the help of my mentor, my friend, my confidant, Lee Carroll. Lee, you taught me more about life, living and believing than anyone in my 50 years on this earth. After many years of "plotting" with you, I put Anvaar aside. Tonight, I brush off this tiny piece of a much larger puzzle I pieced together with you every Tuesday for so many years I've actually lost count.

I miss our Tuesdays, my friend!

In honor of Lee Carroll & Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

An alternate world with an alternate creationist history, and a prophecy to be fulfilled....

Through the void of no beginning

Through the void of no beginning, the Almighty came to be. 
Heaven stirred into awareness.  Clouds of Life were given seed.
Stars awakened in the storming, lightning of eternal flame. 
Embers gathered there in numbers; the Great Dance was given name.

Empty embers gathered dancing; dancing there, yet empty still. 
Empty Dancers, empty Dancing, lacking passion, lacking will.
The Almighty stirred the embers, fires pulsing, steady song;
giving each a Heart of Fire.  Passion filled the empty throng.

Passion burned with yearning fire, burning, bursting into dust. 
Passion still burned empty fire, ravaging the ember’s crust.
The Almighty soothed the passion, cooled the Heart with Water’s flow. 
Came there then the veins of Rivers, Lands and Seas began to grow.

All the Lands were clothed in soil, rich and black, alive and whole.
Still the Dance was cold and empty; Empty Dancers, empty souls.
There the Dance was fed with Spirit, binding Waters, Lands and Heart. 
To bind and guide and bring a balance, Spirit filled each Dancer’s Heart.

Spirit then awakened Conscience.  Conscience birthed the seeds of Choice. 
Choice disturbed the Dancers’ balance, as the Song awakened Voice.
Voice began to seed Corruption.  Dancers stumbled into ruin. 
Choice allowed the Dance to weaken.  Corruption’s poison changed the tune.

The Almighty brought to being Spirits born of kindred souls;
Protectors came to Life in Anvaar, linked as one, renewed and whole.
Anvaar became a lonely Dancer, yet her Dance was fair and pure. 
Protectors fed her Dance with wonder; their Spirits linked, their song was hers.

But Spirit soon awakened Conscience.  Conscience birthed the seeds of Choice.
Choice disturbed Protectors’ balance with the sound of one dark Voice.
There came one Protector Spirit, by his name we call him Luc,
with his Voice he broke the balance, as he sought to rebuild Truth.

Lands and Seas fell to his pleasure, molded by his careless hand. 
Beasts that once dwelt in the waters found new footing over land.
Others found their feathers broken under spiny scales and fur. 
Horns began to sprout unbidden, dark the balance Luc disturbed.

So came forth a new Corruption, fueled by a Spirit’s hold,
deep inside the Heart of Fire, Anvaar’s Passion burning cold.
Others followed Luc’s enticement, pulling free of Anvaar’s will,
drawing from her Heart a Power, their hunger far too strong to fill.

Thus the Spirits, once ‘Protectors’ linked to Anvaar then and still,
joined as one they spoke discordant, each against another’s will.
Others true to Anvaar’s Spirit fought to free her from the ruin. 
Protector fought Corrupt in Power hindered by discordant tune.

Protectors seeking balance faltered; Corrupt used Power unrestrained. 
The Almighty came to Anvaar with calls to keep Corruption chained.
Thus was Luc, in his Corruption, locked to those he would deform;
wed to Creature’s flesh eternal; trapped beyond the Dancer’s Storm.

Thus was Luc, in his Corruption, forced to feel all creatures’ pain;
there in agony he suffered, birth to death, then birthed again.
Cycles followed unrelenting, trapping Power in between. 
Infant and decrepit stages left him a weak and transient being.

Angered by his earthly prison, Luc escaped his mortal cage;
a predator with youth and muscle fed his strength and loosed his rage.
Then was Luc forever banished deep into the Heart and Womb,
locked away from mortal pleasures, locked away from mortal doom.

Banished from all sense of wonder, banished from all sense of hope,
void of touch and taste and feeling, stripped of Power once invoked,
Yet with Spirit unto Spirit, still was Luc closely entwined;
still could he entice his brethren, so to turn them to his mind.

Some did answer his seduction, and it like a cancer spread,
reawakening Corruption, ravenous as Anvaar bled.
The Almighty, in His Anger, called to all the pawns of Luc,
called to all of His Protectors, even those who still held true ;

And He made this proclamation, that all Protectors would know pain,
and all would know of love and hardship; all would live and die and live again,
Wed to Creatures born of Anvaar, from smallest ants to greatest beasts;
one day prey, another, lion, sated on their brethren’s feasts.

Yet for the dearest of Protectors, Aal, named for the morning sun,
the Almighty birthed another Creature for His most beloved one.
Thus came Mankind unto Anvaar, given Wisdom, Truth and Voice,
so to wed with the Protectors who stayed true to Anvaar’s Choice.

The Almighty, in His Wisdom, called a new communion forth,
calling Mankind and Protector, born to slow Corruption’s growth.
Those who came to this communion, known as Sorrens, then and still,
pledged to keep Anvaar Protected, pledged to heed the Almighty’s will…

The Almighty gave His Promise to the Sorrens standing True,
that a Man would come upon them, born to keep Them standing True.
A mortal born in mortal birthing, flesh and blood and Human whole,
would alone, without communion, have a link to Anvaar’s soul.

A mortal born in mortal birthing, to hold a Power greater still,
than the Power of Protectors, so to keep the Almighty’s Will.

Child of the 60s

This is a revised version of a poem originally published in Somewhere on the Edge of Words. Written in honor of all who served in Vietnam. A copy of the original version was left at the Vietnam memorial Wall in Washington, DC, in October, 2000, before any of us had any clue of the new tragedies yet to come.

A Child of the 60s

A child of the 60s
I toddled about on wobbly legs as the world stumbled
and a president died.

And they all cried
all those people on the news and in the Life
magazine that lay untouched on the coffee table.

I touched it.

I ran my hand along the cover
my chubby baby fingers examining a widow’s black veil
a flag covered casket.

Without knowing what or why or how
a nation’s tears came down as
rain upon my soul
drenching me to the very core.

Then there was war.

It was an old war a cold war though they said the jungles were hot
and deadly.

And our boys died.
 American boys died.

I looked to the neighbor boys there in our cozy little corner of cookie-cutter suburbia
and wondered if they too would die
somewhere in a hot green jungle
in a green and red Technicolor jungle like the ones I saw at night on Daddy’s Zenith
jungles as far away as the little cabin up north that took an eternity to drive to
where I could hear the bombs go off at night
as our boys learned how to fight playing
games at Camp Grayling.


I knew it was real
as real as the musty sheets Mommy set under my chin
when she tucked me in to protect me from the distant thunder that was not thunder
and boomed its way into my dreams
reminding me to pray
as I did every day for our American boys.

A child of the 60s
still tasting the salt of my nation’s drying tears
I was confused by the anger that festered on the evening news
so many different views when all that really mattered
all that should matter was our American boys.

A child of the 60s
I saw my nation stumble and all I could do was reach out my hand
my tiny, useless, child sized hand
in the impossible hope that
it might be enough to guide



There are many battles being fought, perhaps against cancer, perhaps something else. But what do you do when the time comes to stop fighting? And what do we do, those of use you must leave behind?


You want to fight, and you do.
You fight.
And perhaps you even seem to turn the battle.
You start to believe, to really believe you can win it after all.
And then…a sudden thrust.
A jab from behind.
It strikes you unaware…unexpected.
Your eyes widen in surprise.
Your breath quickens.

You want to continue the struggle,
but against what?
The damage is done, and you know that.
It was a mortal blow.
There is no earthly science that can fix it,
not this,
not now.
Perhaps one day,
but not this day,
not for you.
And the enemy is beyond your reach.

No. You cannot fight.
You can only…accept.


It is an easy word to say,
falling from your tongue
with barely a breath of your waning energy expended.
But the thing attached to that word,
the feeling,
the concept…
now that is a different matter entirely.
What does it mean, really,
to accept what is to come?
Can there still be fear?
Can there still be sadness?
Regret for things left undone?

If you say you accept your fate,
can that statement really erase all those feelings,
those emotions?
like the fireman rushing into the flames
for the sake of another,
are they merely set aside
for the sake of something more important,
a purpose greater than your own?

When a pebble on a mountain tumbles into the sea,
it leaves an emptiness behind,
a space that can never be filled.
Still, the mountain itself will not crumble.
Not yet.
Not all at once.
But what of that pebble?
Does it fade out of existence?
Or does it simply become a part of something new,
setting the foundation for another mountain,
one that will rise out of the sea
reaching endlessly toward the stars?

It might even be the pebble that does the reaching.

I, too, am a pebble.
Today, perhaps I have no choice
but to watch you tumble.
I can no more hold you back
than you can fight an enemy no mortal sword can strike.
But the day will come when I must tumble on behind you,
as other pebbles must tumble on behind me.
And as that new mountain rises,
I gain hope in knowing
it has been raised on pebbles like you,
with the wisdom,
the courage
and the heart to hold it firm.

What 50 years have taught me

Life is less about finding answers than it is about seeking them.

An ideal life is not a steady, consistent progression. It involves 2 steps forward and anywhere from 1 to 3 steps back. It involves peaks and valleys. The peaks feed your soul and fuel your strength to endure the valleys. The valleys feed your heart and build your wisdom to appreciate the peaks.

Whatever ideal life I can envision with clarity will always remain elusive. The true ideal is one I cannot see. It will only be revealed to me in time, and it will only be revealed if I keep my eyes and my heart open enough to see it.

The only certainty in life is that it will be fraught with uncertainty.

Promises are not guarantees, and even guarantees can be voided by the uncertainties of life. Each promise that is fulfilled should be recognized for the gift it truly is.

If I limit my expectations to the unexpected, I will never regret what never comes to be.

I thrive on stories and dreams, the greatest of which highlight compassion, understanding and brotherhood, and serve as reminders that love and faith really can conquer all.

And lastly:

Life really is a walk in the least, that's where the filter is, the one that sorts fiction from truth and helps me to see who's really behind the curtain.

The Shadow

The Shadow

There is a cool shadow in her eyes

a looming presence that lingers



not through her but to her

watching her

a predatory presence waiting to strike