Saturday, September 14, 2013

Honoring Michael John Kelly, casualty of Vietnam

Whenever we do the rounds to clean off family graves, my husband takes the clippers and brush to his family's markers and I use whatever's at hand to uncover the markers of whichever of their "neighbors" have been  left long unattended. Today my hands were sore (darned arthritis) by the time I reached a very special overgrown marker. Unable to uncover it completely, I now feel the need  to share a remembrance of a young Marine killed in Vietnam.

Michael John Kelly was only 20 when he was killed by "an explosive device" in Quang Tri in South Vietnam. He now rests beside Sean Patrick Kelly, whom I assume to be his younger brother, and who, in turn, rests beside a couple I assume to be their parents. It looks like  their father was also a Marine who survived WWII, and was awarded the Purple Heart.

Thank you to the Kelly family for your sacrifice.

My heart also goes out to yet another Michael, who was visiting his father and sister, and preparing for the imminent passing of his mother.