Saturday, October 5, 2013

Black Hole

Just dug this up out of a black hole. I'd posted it to LJ back in '07, and never captured it anywhere else.

Black Hole 

Darkness pulls
exsanguinating hope

a vacuum of denial 

until destiny is achieved,
relieved or simply


A disturbing truth:
expectation yields a different kind of fate.

c 2007, DM Kraft

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Divine Knowledge

Deep in the night when shadows unfold
blurring the edges of dreams
I visit the places where mysteries old
as the dawning of time intervene

to guide me through pathways I can't comprehend
labyrinths twisted and long
I stumble through riddles that lead to an end 
where only the wisest belong.

Sleeping and waking are dueling beasts
that keep divine knowledge  at bay
while there in the shadows I hunger to feast
on a truth that keeps slipping away.

I awake with the sun rendered blinded and dumb
as whatever I've seen fades to white
yet I know it remains out of reach of these chains
I can only escape from at night.

There will come a time when I'll see the sublime
with eyes that can pierce heaven's glare.
For now I must wait and my hunger abate
on the dreams that my nightly walks share.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Honoring Michael John Kelly, casualty of Vietnam

Whenever we do the rounds to clean off family graves, my husband takes the clippers and brush to his family's markers and I use whatever's at hand to uncover the markers of whichever of their "neighbors" have been  left long unattended. Today my hands were sore (darned arthritis) by the time I reached a very special overgrown marker. Unable to uncover it completely, I now feel the need  to share a remembrance of a young Marine killed in Vietnam.

Michael John Kelly was only 20 when he was killed by "an explosive device" in Quang Tri in South Vietnam. He now rests beside Sean Patrick Kelly, whom I assume to be his younger brother, and who, in turn, rests beside a couple I assume to be their parents. It looks like  their father was also a Marine who survived WWII, and was awarded the Purple Heart.

Thank you to the Kelly family for your sacrifice.

My heart also goes out to yet another Michael, who was visiting his father and sister, and preparing for the imminent passing of his mother.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

What do I think of smoking?

What do I think of smoking?

It stinks.

But not the smoke
those diaphanous tendrils
that tease thoughts of other days
longer days
quieter days

days when time couldn’t move fast enough

when dreams were focused
on a far distant future
where life would be in my grasp
and the world would be mine to conquer

days when worries were spent
on returning home in time
to catch a new episode of Bonanza
or the once-per-year showing
of a favorite Disney movie

days when treasures awaited
around every bend in the road
and fears were erased
by simply pulling a blanket over my head

days when I could curl up
into a soft, comforting lap to fall asleep
with one ear tuned to an Errol Flynn movie
and the other to my grandfather’s heartbeat

days when the smell of cigarette smoke
mingled with coffee
and hot bread from the Italian woman next door
slathered with fresh sweet butter
--the kind that comes in chunks
rather than neat rectangular cubes--
and the sound of my grandmother’s voice
her soft Norvegian accent
arguing about long dead presidents
and then laughing
as though she had never been arguing at all

days when the lingering smell of cigar smoke
meant the milkman had come and gone
and the more gentle smell of a pipe
meant someone special was visiting, still

It’s strange to realize how much
I hate the smell of cigarette ashes
how cigarette buttes make me gag
how anxious I am to flee an elevator
after being trapped inside with a smoker
--that fact obvious by the odor on his clothes

and yet the smoke itself spurs memories
that can make me almost believe
I can curl up in my bestefar’s lap
and hear him call me karesta
while I fall asleep to the sound of his heartbeat
and my grandmother’s laughter
and the smell of hot buttered Italian bread.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Ojibwe: "Woman of the Sound Rushing through the Stars"

Fascinating information about Ojibwe history & language

Preserving & teaching the language efforts of University of Michigan:

Jane Johnstone Schoolcraft, aka Bamewawagezhikaquay, or "Woman of the Sound Rushing through the Stars," biography:

mp3 of one of her poems being sung in Ojibwe:

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Poem: Bawating (Ojibwa/Chippewa word for "Gathering Place"


A chill air wakes summer warmed waters
into a weave of mists
as tentacles of time
tempt the ghosts of a thousand yesterdays
to rise up and greet the dawn.

Warriors in wisps and white feathers
and slivery maidens
with hair of corn silken silver
milked from the moon
join in a dance of remembrance.

But their fires burn cold
and soft
with flames of quicksilver
like minnows swimming skyward
and smoke of earthbound clouds.


*According to Wikipedia and a Sault St Marie casino’s web site (?) Bawating is a Chippewa word meaning “gathering place.” I will investigate further…. But I chose that word for a title, because the area that inspired this poem is in Hamburg Township, Michigan, which near as I can tell was a Chippewa gathering place and hunting grounds. To my understanding, this area was not a place of permanent residence until the current townships were formed in the early to mid 1800s.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Prophecy's Drum & Clarion Write-A-Thon

I've been working on my novel, working title "Prophecy's Drum" in conjunction with the Clarion Write-A-Thon. You can read chapter one at (consider sponsoring me to read more?)

Dedicated readers have access to my private Prophecy's Drum blog. For you folks, I've got 12 chapters posted now (I've reposted 1 through 8 because I've made some revisions and have adjusted chapter lengths.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Blank page words

This is a result of #BlankPage writing, an exercise through which I clear my mind and write words as they come to me, with no plan at all. I never know what might result. A poem? A story? A blog post? A jumble of words that make no sense at all?

Here is today's result:

There is emptiness
filling every fiber
every pore

It seeps and binds
and winds its way in

Fuel for dark rapture

Emptiness that clings
and forms
and locks in the cold
the old
the unwanted
abandoned toys of childhood
joys of youth
ancient longings creeping in
under the floorboards
beneath rusty nails
a holy grail of


Sunday, June 23, 2013

Write on! Write-A-Thon starts TODAY!

Please consider supporting me through the Clarion Write-A-Thon!

Push me to finish Prophecy's Drum!  Or at least get 2 more chapters done... ;)

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Today's Rainbow

#Rainbow: Awesome review! It's from yesterday but still gets me smiling, so it can count today, too! Here's an excerpt:  "I so thoroughly enjoyed your story that I was kind of sad to see it end! But the conclusion was as wonderful as the rest of it. It had everything I look for in a novel-and even more! You had me guessing until the end....I am so happy to see an author who has truly mastered the fine art of telling a good story while speaking through the heart God gave you. You do have a gift-thank you so much for sharing it!"

Friday, June 14, 2013

Rainbow of the day

Once upon a time, a few years ago, I vowed to tweet or blog about a daily "rainbow," something good that happened, whether it be dim enough to prompt a sigh of relief or fleeting smile, or bright enough to keep me smiling.

Stress got the better of me, and I failed to keep my promise.

I'm going to try again.

Today's rainbow came early enough to leave me hoping there might still be another rainbow or two to come: Driving to work, I didn't hit a single red light, and there wasn't a single slow-down on the freeway. All traffic lights were green, right up until I reached the intersection where I needed to turn left, but then the left turn arrow was green.

Yes, a small rainbow, but a rainbow, nonetheless!;)

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Something So Savage

My latest Bonanza story questions the legal definition of insanity and introduces moral dilemmas when a student of philosophy sets out to prove the concepts of good and evil are not static. His attempt to translate the language of culture to understand Paiute perspectives catches the Cartwrights and Chief Winnemucca’s tribe in a night of savagery, and then unites them in a demand for justice.

As one reader states: “Wow. From the action scenes to the in-depth philosophical discussions of responsibility and good-vs-evil, this story was well-researched, well-paced, and well-written. The Cartwrights, especially Adam, were 100% in-character. All of this made for an enjoyable story...yet also a haunting one. Some of its questions will stay with me a while.”


Please consider helping me to accomplish my own writing goals and to earn a free critique while supporting the Clarion Science Fiction & Fantasy Writers Workshop, an excellent training ground for writers of all ages.

Writing starts June 23 and runs through August 3.

An awesome review!

Thank you, E. Phillips!!

His review of my poem, "Heaven": "There is other romantic music…and there is Claire de Lune. There are other sonnets…and there is How do I Love Thee? There are other poems…and there is Heaven by Debra Kraft."

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

In the End--A New Beginning

In the End: Apocalyptic Poetry is NOW AVAILABLE IN PRINT!

Currently available only through Create Space

***Coming soon to Amazon!

Includes new poems!

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

The Phoenix

The Phoenix

When smoke and dust have given way,
When ashes settle, soft and still,
When rainbow’s end falls cold and gray,
A phoenix borne of Hope and Will
Shall rise to sweep it all aside
And light the gloom where shadows hide.

The firebird, aloft, lends proof:
There is but one eternal Truth.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Edge of Words, in your hands

Now in Paperback!

On the Edge of Words is now available in paperback!
Questions, unquestioned discoveries & answers in parable & rhyme...

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Zoroastrian burial customs

Burial customs of ancient Zoroastrians:

Zoroastrian worship: Fire

What does fire symbolize in Zoroastrian worship?

Sunday, April 7, 2013

1913 Massacre--Calumet, Michigan

The end of this year will mark the 100th anniversary of a crime of unthinkable proportions. It was December 24, Christmas Eve. Over 700 people, the families of copper miners representing several ethnicities and speaking several languages, were crammed into the Italian Hall to celebrate the holiday. Money was tight, and the miners were on strike. Outside in the street, mine boss thugs were gathering--and then one of them yelled, "Fire!"

Within minutes, 62 children and 11 adults would be dead after having been crushed or suffocated by panicked celebrants racing to get down the stairs and outside. There was, of course, no fire at all.

In 1941, Woody Guthrie wrote a song about the tragedy: 1913 Massacre, Woody Guthrie

In 2005, a film company released a documentary about it, inspired by Guthrie's song: The Documentary

In 2006, author/historian Steve Lehto, released "Death's Door," a detailed accounting of life in a copper mining boom town preceding and following the tragedy: The Book

I was introduced to Guthrie's song when his son, Arlo, released a newer version of it more than twenty years later. The words disturbed me, and hooked me. "Michigan," after all, was my home state. What was this story all about? I never found good answers...until I picked up Steve Lehto's book. That's what I'm reading now, a full century after all those children died, and all those families saw their Christmas dreams trampled into nightmares.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013


Here's a new one, hot off the presses! I'm not sure of the title, but.....


Pretend it’s a mirage.
Ignore it.
Walk away.

You can’t, can you?

It follows you
like a painting with haunted eyes
tracking you across the room
the desert
the ocean
the seven seas.

It finds you.

It always finds you
because you let it
because you want it to
because you need it as much as it
needs you.

It feeds you
your instincts
your desires
your endless, timeless appetite for
adventure without risk
comfort without pain
hurt without damage
scars that never linger
yet never heal
because they never really were.

It’s all make believe.

But for you
it’s as real as stardust
splashing over moonlit sands.